ENGLISH | 訂場熱線: 2137 2007 / 2137 2000 / 4007 007 148

Red Mountain Golf Club

Red Mountain Golf Club
  • Golf007評分

  • Rated 4 stars
  • Eagle
  • 0/5 (讀者平均評分)

  • Rated 0 stars
  • 0 未有讀者評論

  • Red Mountain Golf Club
  • 評論者:
  • 發佈日期:
  • 最後更新: 2015-12-24
  • 球會設施、服務
    Editor: 60%
  • 球場設計及趣味性
    Editor: 60%
  • 球道、果嶺保養
    Editor: 100%
  • 球僮服務及場地認識
    Editor: 60%
  • 球場綠化、觀景
    Editor: 100%


會所靚、乾淨兼企理,服務OK但就比較慢(定係我心急?), 球場環境真係好正,靚到幅油畫一樣但設計就難度高左D,因為盲點多、球道窄,多水障礙....高手會覺得挑戰性 - 夠高,中手可能會覺得挑戰性 - 太高,新手可能覺得挑戰性 - 高到有D後悔點解唔打個易的球場。


地址 119 Moo 4 Vichitsongkram Rd, Kathu District, Phuket
007訂場熱線 (852) 2187 3146 (辦公時間) 或 24小時網上訂場
球場數目 18洞
標準桿數/最長距離 72 / 6,781碼 (Black Tee)
 Course Rating  Red 70.4, White 68.4, Blue 70.4, Black 72.7
 Slope Rating  Red 123, White 121, Blue128, Black 136
場地設計師 Jonathan Morrow
球場難易度 藍AB-72.5, BC-72.7, CA-72 白AB-69.9, BC-70.1, CA-69.4 紅AB-69, BC-69.8, CA-68.7
場內交通 球車(可上球道)



唔知點解對布吉總係有D情意結,到時到侯就心思思想去走番轉,上次已是06年….所以趁過年有長假期去哂下太陽同打番兩場波放鬆一下,今次的第一場波就試下呢個在07年一開就贏最佳新球場獎的Red Mountain,原來佢是同Loch Palm Golf Club同一公司擁有,位置亦在旁邊,離Patong沙灘約20-25分鐘車程。


新會所雖然唔算大但設計幾型仔加新淨(專賣店Locker餐廳)可惜服務慢幾拍….想叫咖啡要等waiter得閑落單要等10分,整又10分鍾,埋單又等10分鐘,前後足足要大半粒鐘….唯有以黎這裏渡假的心情….將時間較慢D,不過下次記住落單時要順便叫埋單,會減少好多等的時間 : )


球道同果嶺都係Seashore Paspalum,又厚又綠又冇雜草,保養冇得頂!




球場之前是一個錫礦場所以球道都好多大上大落、左穿右插、高高低低…..同我地廣東的鳳凰山同九龍山都有幾分似,不過呢處D樹木就比較成熟,從會所的露台居高臨下可以見到每條球道兩旁都有非常靚的大樹,亦可以見到紅色的大石(如上圖…果然係Red Mountain!)。其它的高位則可見到附近景色,不過靚還靚個場的難度就稍高….其實係頗高,因為絕大部份球道唔係要你過水就係落點狹窄….一唔準同直(即係我大部份的時間)就會出事,打到我手震震+心驚驚(驚死帶唔夠波),好在個藍tee只有6,341碼唔算太長(記分卡1, 2) ,唔使下下都要用Driver硬博。各位想打好D就要研究下我D相了解下球道的變化或問球僮借本祕笈睇清楚先選桿。

而全場最靚仔的球洞有#8#14,而#17的三桿洞要從山頂打落山腳…係signature hole.


  • Black 398, blue 366, white 335 & red 293 yards, index 9
    第一洞要上斜開波落點睇落好狹窄但其實都有D位, 果嶺就升起小小.係個短洞,難度不高,俾你熱下身。
    The 1st hole is going slightly upslope with an intimidating tight landing area, in fact, there is a bit of room up there, the green is slightly elevated.
    RedMountain-H1-1 RedMountain-H1-2 RedMountain-H1-3

  • RedMountain-H2-1第二洞短五桿右狗腿洞,上斜,第二桿右轉大上斜。
    The 2nd is a short dogleg right, going uphill, the 2nd layout shot needs a big right turn.
    RedMountain-H2-2 RedMountain-H2-3 RedMountain-H2-4 RedMountain-H2-5

  • RedMountain-H3-1第三洞是個三桿洞, 果嶺前有深坑, 千期唔好短呀!
    The rd is a par 3, Don’t be short as the front has a deep ravine.
    RedMountain-H3-2 RedMountain-H3-3 RedMountain-H3-4

  • RedMountain-H4-1第4洞五桿小右狗腿洞,開波落小斜,果嶺升起兩旁勁多沙池,一個靚球洞。
    The 4th is a gentle dogleg to the right, tee shot is slightly downslope, the green is elevated with bunkers on either side, a pretty hole.
    RedMountain-H4-2 RedMountain-H4-3 RedMountain-H4-4 RedMountain-H4-5

  • RedMountain-H5-1第五洞難度排第三, 開波落小斜, 左面全部水.
    The 5th is an index 3 hole, going slighly downslope with water on the left.
    RedMountain-H5-2 RedMountain-H5-3 RedMountain-H5-4

  • RedMountain-H6-1第六洞超長四桿洞, 難度排第一, 開波要過前面的崖.
    The 6th is a long par 4, the teeshot needs to carry the hazard in front.
    RedMountain-H6-2 RedMountain-H6-3 RedMountain-H6-4

  • RedMountain-H7-1第七洞藍tee要打189碼的三桿洞, 左面全水, 難度排17….奇怪!
    The 7th is a long par 4, 189 yards from the blue tee with water on the left all the way, index 17?….strange!
    RedMountain-H7-2 RedMountain-H7-3

  • RedMountain-H8-1第8洞短洞落山, 超窄同多水, 唔好博啦, 開190-200碼分兩桿上最安全.
    This is a short par 4, teeshot is downhill with plenty of hazards, be safe and lay up with a 180 to 200 yards shot.
    RedMountain-H8-2 RedMountain-H8-3 RedMountain-H8-4

  • RedMountain-H9-1第9洞勁狹窄, 開波落山第二桿上山.
    This 9th is super tight, teeshot is downhill and back up again.
    RedMountain-H9-2 RedMountain-H9-3 RedMountain-H9-4

  • RedMountain-H10-1第10洞睇落靚靚打落心驚, 開波落斜, 上果嶺要準同靠右避開D水….409碼又多水的洞難度排第8…有冇攪攪攪攪….錯!
    The 10 is a downhill 409 yards par 4 with water on the left, the approach needs to be accurate & a touch right to avoid water….an index 8 hole….I wonder!?
    RedMountain-H10-2 RedMountain-H10-3 RedMountain-H10-4

  • RedMountain-H11-1第11洞小右狗腿, 開波落小斜, 第二桿轉右上斜, 果嶺升起兼多斜度.
    The 11th is a gentle dogleg to the right, tee shot is downslope, the approach is going back up to a elevated and tough green.
    RedMountain-H11-2 RedMountain-H11-3 RedMountain-H11-4

  • RedMountain-H12-1第12洞較短的五桿右狗腿洞,開波落小斜, 果嶺前方有大樹擋住你, 要儘力避開.
    The 12th is a short dogleg right par 5, tee shot is slightly downshope, there is big tree is in front blocking your appoach to the green.
    RedMountain-H12-2 RedMountain-H12-3 RedMountain-H12-4 RedMountain-H12-5

  • RedMountain-H13-1第13洞, 大直路四桿洞上小斜, 開波要過前面的山谷.
    The 13th is a straight par 4 going gently up slope, the teeshot needs to carry the hazard in front.
    RedMountain-H13-2 RedMountain-H13-3 RedMountain-H13-4

  • RedMountain-H14-1第14洞一個非常靚又危險的三桿洞, 開波落小斜.
    The 14th is a pretty but dangerous par 3, the teeshot is slightly down slope.

  • RedMountain-H15-1第15洞要上斜, 有D九龍山feel….落點同果嶺幾狹下.
    The 15th us going upslope, feels like Jiulong Hills…both the landing area & green are tight.
    RedMountain-H15-2 RedMountain-H15-3 RedMountain-H15-4

  • RedMountain-H16-1第16短右狗腿的4桿洞, 開波要選正確的桿及方向, 太左會打穿….太右會入森林…
    The 16th is going slightly down slope dogleg right par 4, check for the right club as too much left will overshot the fairway, too much right will end up in jungles….
    RedMountain-H16-2 RedMountain-H16-3

  • RedMountain-H17-1第17洞三桿洞, 大落山(40米深), 超靚仔.
    This is a very good looking par 3, going 40 meters down.
    RedMountain-H17-2 RedMountain-H17-3

  • RedMountain-H18-1終於到第18洞….仲有冇波? 呢個五桿洞, 開波落點睇落幾得人驚…超窄, 第二同三桿一樣唔易.
    Final gole…any ball left? The teeshot of the final hole is very tight & scary, the 2 & 3rd are not easy either.
    RedMountain-H18-2 RedMountain-H18-3 RedMountain-H18-4 RedMountain-H18-5


會所靚、乾淨兼企理,服務OK但就比較慢(定係我心急?), 球場環境(1, 2, 3)真係好正,靚到幅油畫一樣但設計就難度高左D,因為盲點多、球道窄,多水障礙….高手會覺得挑戰性 – 夠高,中手可能會覺得挑戰性 – 太高,新手可能覺得挑戰性 – 高到有D後悔點解唔打個易的球場。 Eagle 2/2010


