ENGLISH | 訂場熱線: 2137 2007 / 2137 2000 / 4007 007 148





高出標準桿兩桿或以上 (Double Bogey) 0 分
高出標準桿一桿 (Bogey) 1 分
平標準桿 (Par)  2 分
低過標準桿一桿 (Birdie) 3 分
低過標準桿兩桿 (Eagle) 4 分
低標準三桿 (Double Eagle / Albatross) 5 分

Modified Stableford
Double eagle 8, Eagle 5, Birdie 2, Par 0, Bogey -1, Double bogey/Others -3


首先於前9洞及後9洞各抽出 3個洞 (這 6個洞的標準桿數加起來必須是 24),將這6個洞打出的桿數總和乘以3,然後減去當日球場的標準桿數,再乘以 0.8,即為當日個人差點。

各球友將 18洞所得的總桿數減去當日差點,便得出淨桿分數,依淨桿分數高低排列名次。

為更準確反映出球友的打波技術,貝利亞公式後來稍為改良,抽出的洞數由6增加至12洞,(這12洞的標準桿數加起來要是 48)。然後將12涸洞打出之桿數成績相加,乘 1.5,減去當日球場的標準桿數後乘 0.8,就得出該球友當天差點。再計算一下淨桿分數,排列名次。

從 18 洞裏的3桿洞,4桿洞及5桿洞中各抽取2個洞,共6個洞不計算分數,再將餘下的12個洞打出之桿數相加起來乘 1.5 (計算12個洞桿數總和時用2,3,4制度,計算超桿數目,Par 3洞最高計5桿,Par 4洞計7桿,Par 5洞計9桿等),減去該球場之標準桿數,然後乘以 0.8 ,即為當日差點。

由於球場通常包括 10個4桿洞,4個5桿洞及4個3桿洞,如果依此方法各抽出2個洞不計分數,4桿洞的成績對差點無疑影響很大;另外只要你在計算差點的12個洞中打出高桿數,高桿數計算後會產生高差點,總桿數減去高差點,便是低桿數,這樣你反而會得到好成績,於是有時候似乎不能反映出真正的技術水平,勝出亦多少靠點好運氣。

經多次改良,目前一般業餘賽大都採用呢個比較”完善”及”公平”的計算差點方法 :

完成比賽後,從18個洞中以抽籤形式抽出其中12個洞,將抽出12洞之桿數相加 (計算12個洞桿數總和時用2,3,4制度,計算超桿數目,Par 3洞最高計5桿,Par 4洞計7桿,Par 5洞計9桿等)。

將總和乘以 1.5,然後減去18 洞之標準桿數 ,以此數乘以 0.8 即為當日個人差點。

即係﹕(抽出12洞的總桿 x 1.5 – 18洞標準桿數) x 0.8 = 差點。

同樣地各球友將18洞所得的總桿數 ,減去當日差點 ,便得出淨桿分數,依淨桿分數高低排列出比賽名次。

即係﹕18洞總桿數 – 差點 = 淨桿。

備註﹕計算後之差點如果超出30以上者,一般皆以30計算 。淨桿分數相同者,則以差點較少的為勝出者,但如差點都相同就要計單數球道(1、3、5、7、9、11、13、15、17) 的總桿數,以低者為勝。


比賽者均需完成指定回合(round),總桿數最少者,即為比賽冠軍 (一般職業賽均為4天4回合72洞)。

比賽規定之洞數,一般均為18洞。如果其中一方領先之洞數已超過未打之洞數,則勝負已分 – 可終止比賽,領先的便是勝利者。



4人分兩隊比賽, 每人各打1個球,兩隊中以同隊打得最好的1人為準。
A form of match play. Two players from one team compete against two players of the other. All four players play their own ball through the entire course. At the end of each hole, the best score of the two on Team A is compared to the best score of the two on Team B to determine which team wins the hole. After 18 holes, the team which won the most holes wins the match. Four Ball is one of the three formats used in The Ryder Cup.
Basically a game that you can play when you and a competitor are sent out as a twosome in between foursomes. Each of you gets to play two balls for each stroke and you get to select which shot you wish to keep and play from next.
For team competition, usually between two teams of two golfers.

Can be many teams of four golfers. All golfers on each team play every hole in a normal way. But the best individual score (for each hole) among the teamplayers is used as the team score for the hole. Team scores for each hole may then be used in match play or stroke play to decide which team wins the round.

For example :

Two teams: Black Team: A & B, White Team : C & D

On the first hole, A shoots a 3 and B shoots a 4. So the Black team’s score is a 3. C and D each shoot a 4, giving the White team a 4 for the hole. So, Black wins the first hole.

When “best ball” is used in during a corporate “golf day”, each team can be composed of golfers with a mixture of playing ability.

Each team will have a good player, two medium-handicappers and also one not-so-good golfer. Handicap strokes will not be used but to make the competition more interesting and fair, it’s common to use a rule such that no team member may contribute more than five scores to the team during the round. In this manner, the good golfer can only carry the team so far and even the worst golfer on the team will have an influence on at least three holes.

每隊自組四人隊,在比賽前由賽會提供每隊三個黃波,每一隊員可需依次序(或用個別戰略)分別在一至十八洞用黃波打球 (即每位隊員最少用黃波發球及完成個別4個球洞,其中兩隊員5次),個別隊員在打黃波所得的分數除記錄在本身計分咭上之外 亦需將該分數記錄在隊伍計分咭上)。


Like Callaway and Peoria, System 36 is a method of handicapping a tournament when many competitors simply don’t carry a true handicap issued by a recognized authority. This particular method is popular in the Asia Pacific region and finds use in corporate outings and tournaments. System 36 generates a temporary handicap for use just during that event. Here is how it works: For each player, assign “handicap reduction points” for each hole as follows:

For Example:

For each player, assign “handicap reduction points” for each hole as follows:

Par, Birdie, Eagle& Double Eagle = 2 points

Bogey = 1 point

Double, Triple Bogey or more = 0 point

Everything better than a bogey receives two points. Everything worse than a bogey receives no points. Subtract the point total for each player from 36. The result is that player’s number of handicap strokes for the round.

For example, say you shoot 90, in that 90 you have 7 pars, 9 bogeys, and 2 double-bogeys or worse. First, calculate your accrued points:
7 (pars) x 2 (points per par) = 14
9 (bogeys) x 1 (point per bogey) = 9
2 (doubles or worse) x 0 (points per double) = 0
So your point total is 23.
Now, subtract this total from 36: 36 – 23 = 13, so 13 is your handicap allowance.
Apply this to your gross score: 90 – 13 = 77
And 77 is your net score based on System 36.

Apply handicap strokes as you would normally depending upon the competition format. Generally, System 36 is used in Stroke Play and Stableford formats only.

Stableford competitions tend to encourage risky play because big mistakes are not penalized as harshly as good results are rewarded. However, this feature of Stablefords is nullified when System 36 is employed.

System 36 rewards players who shoot birdies and penalizes players who shoot triple-bogeys or worse. For stroke play competitions, it makes no difference whether a player shoots a par, bogey or double-bogey on a hole because System 36 renders those results all the same. You need birdies or better while simultaneously avoiding triple-bogeys or worse to win a System 36 in stroke play.