ENGLISH | 訂場熱線: 2137 2007 / 2137 2000 / 4007 007 148


  • Golf007評分

  • Rated 4 stars
  • Eagle
  • 0/5 (讀者平均評分)

  • Rated 0 stars
  • 0 未有讀者評論

  • 桂林樂滿地高爾夫俱樂部
  • 評論者:
  • 發佈日期:
  • 最後更新: 2016-06-03
  • 球會設施、服務
    Editor: 100%
  • 球場設計及趣味性
    Editor: 80%
  • 球道、果嶺保養
    Editor: 80%
  • 球僮服務及場地認識
    Editor: 80%
  • 球場綠化、觀景
    Editor: 80%




地址 廣西桂林興安縣志玲路
007訂場熱線 (852) 2187 3146 (辦公時間) 或 24小時網上訂場
球場數目 36洞
標準桿數/最長距離 1-9, 36/3,480碼,10-18, 36/3,593碼,19-27, 36/3,527碼,28-36, 36/3,562碼
場地設計師 Golden Louise
場內交通 球車 / 步行

餐廳 / 記分卡(1, 2, 3) / 專賣店Locker / 練習場


今次係第二次到桂林打波(上次在06年分別打山水樂滿地共兩個場),今次再黎因為想試打樂滿地新建的C場(在08年完成)即係球會現時有A, B ,C及D共36洞,而個渡假村設施非常之多、新同齊備,亦有一個主題樂園,適合一家大小渡假。


酒店非常巨型, 大堂房間亦幾企理,設施就齊到痺,浴足按摩卡拉OK、連百貨公司都有!玩幾日肯定冇問題,球會位於酒店旁邊需要坐約2分鐘車程,在這兩日所踫到的服務水平亦幾好,值得一讚的是球會可以按情況安排服務人員陪伴小朋友或老人家,如帶領他們參加由酒店舉辦的活動甚至到主題樂園遊玩,令我地可以放心,超正!


今次打球在冬天,所有球道的Burmuda草全部冬眠變左棕色但並冇對打波有影響,反而對依然翠綠的果嶺(Tif Eagle草)做成非常大的對比,相當特別及悅目。球場掠影(1, 2, 3)。






見過兩層高既小食亭未? 勁!


Course A:

  • Merryland-H1-1第一洞係個短洞,難度不高,俾你熱下身。
    The 1st hole is a short one, so that you can warm up.
    Merryland-H1-2 Merryland-H1-3

  • Merryland-H2-1大右狗腿,開波落小斜,第二桿轉右上斜。
    Big dogleg left, teeshot is down slope, the approach is slightly uphill.
    Merryland-H2-2 Merryland-H2-3

  • Merryland-H3-1開波落小斜,大直路。
    Tee shot is downslope, a straight forward par 5.
    Merryland-H3-2 Merryland-H3-3 Merryland-H3-4

  • Merryland-H4-1長par 5,一路上斜。
    A long hole going upslope all the way.
    Merryland-H4-2 Merryland-H4-3 Merryland-H4-4

  • Merryland-H5-1上斜三桿洞, 果嶺前左右都有沙池。
    A long par 3, playing slightly uphill with bunkers on front left & right.

  • Merryland-H6-1短洞不過開波要過水。
    A short hole but will need to carry some water.
    Merryland-H6-2 Merryland-H6-3

  • Merryland-H7-1上小斜四桿洞。
    A slightly upslope par 4.
    Merryland-H7-2 Merryland-H7-3

  • Merryland-H8-1落斜三桿洞,果嶺升起小小。
    A downhill par 3 with an elevated green.

  • Merryland-H9-1中短距離四桿洞,先上斜,上green落斜。
    Medium to short par 4, the approach is slightly downhill.
    Merryland-H9-2 Merryland-H9-3

Course B:
  • Merryland-H10-1短par 5, 小上斜的大直路球道。
    A short par 5, straight forward hole going slightly upslope.
    Merryland-H10-2 Merryland-H10-3 Merryland-H10-4

  • Merryland-H11-1落斜右狗腿,開波小心打穿,夠長又夠膽以靠右面樹打減少上果嶺的距離。
    A down slope dogleg right, check your distance or you will overshoot the fairway, longer & gutsy hitter can lean to the right to cut distance to the green.
    the approach will need to carry water.
    Merryland-H11-3 Merryland-H11-4

  • Merryland-H12-1短par 5, 開波要過水,小心左右都OB.
    A short par 5, need to carry some water, both left & right is OB.
    Merryland-H12-2 Merryland-H12-3 Merryland-H12-4

  • Merryland-H13-1中長par 3, 右面係水。
    A medium to long par 3, water is on the right.

  • Merryland-H14-14桿洞,開波要上斜,第二桿落斜, 果嶺右面有水.
    A slightly upslope par 4, the approach is down slope with water on the right of the green.
    Merryland-H14-2 Merryland-H14-3

  • Merryland-H15-1Par 4, index 4, 長par4,右面有水,一路上斜….難洞一個
    A long par 4, water is on the right, going up all the way…. a tough hole.
    Merryland-H15-2 Merryland-H15-3

  • Merryland-H16-1非常靚的招牌四桿洞,開波前同左都有水(開波之後可以坐小船過湖),第二桿上果嶺亦要過水,唔易打!
    A beautiful signature par 4, water is front & on the left (you can take the sampan to cross the lake after teeshot), the approach needs to carry water too….a tough hole!
    Merryland-H16-2 Merryland-H16-3

  • Merryland-H17-1一個又靚又容易出事的半島果嶺,果嶺前、左同後都係水,小心選桿!
    A nice looking but tough hole, the peninsula green with water all round, choose the right club & pray.

  • Merryland-H18-1最後係長四桿洞,左面係水。
    The finishing hole is a long par 4 with water on the left.
    Merryland-H18-2 Merryland-H18-3

Course C:
  • Merryland-H19-1大右狗腿,開波落斜, 果嶺又狹窄又長。
    Big dogleg to the right, teeshot is downhill, the green is very narrow.
    Merryland-H19-2 Merryland-H19-3 Merryland-H19-4

  • 第20洞三桿洞藍tee177, 白tee167或140, 紅121.
    The 20th is a par 3, from the blue is 177, white is 167 or 140, red is 121 yards.

  • Merryland-H21-1第21洞開波直打, 第二桿落斜(小心果嶺右及前方D水).
    The teeshot is straight forward, the 2nd is down slope with water on the right & front.
    Merryland-H21-2 Merryland-H21-3 Merryland-H21-4

  • Merryland-H22-1此洞全程有水, 開波同第二桿右面有水, 上果嶺就左前方有水, 打落都幾好玩.
    This hole has water all round, the 1 & 2nd shot will have water on the right side, the approach has water on the left & front. A fun hole to play.
    Merryland-H22-2 Merryland-H22-3 Merryland-H22-4

  • Merryland-H23-1長三桿洞, 少少落斜, 右面水, Index 1 hole.
    This is a long par 3, downslope with water on the right all the way.

  • Merryland-H24-1全程直打, 果嶺分開幾層會增加難度.
    This a quite straight forward hole, the green has couple of tiers making it much hard to putt.
    Merryland-H24-2 Merryland-H24-3

  • Merryland-H25-1第25洞開波需要過水, 果嶺比較細小.
    Need to have a nice teeshot to clear water in front, the green is relatively small.
    Merryland-H25-2 Merryland-H25-3 Merryland-H25-4

  • Merryland-H26-1五桿洞, 開波較遠者小心打穿(左面有水), 第二及三桿要上斜。
    Long hitter beware of water on the left(water), the 2 & 3rd is uphill.
    Merryland-H26-2 Merryland-H26-3 Merryland-H26-4

  • Merryland-H27-1右狗腿, 開波落斜同可以cut小小位(問清楚球僮)令第二桿較短. 果嶺分幾層….難攪.
    This is a big downhill dogleg right, you can cut the corner to make the approach shorter (consult your caddie). The green has few tiers…..difficult to putt.
    Merryland-H27-2 Merryland-H27-3 Merryland-H27-4


上面提過今次再返樂滿地球會係因為覺得佢設施齊備,非常合適全家大小放假暢玩數日,加上球會又多左9個洞所以特別黎試下個C場,而球會及酒店冇令我失望,每個環節如服務、食品、球道設計等都相當有水準,呢到又玩得,又睇得、又打得,值得推介。Ace ! 12/09



