地址 | 西貢清水灣布袋澳 |
聯繫資料 | 電話 (852) 2335 3888 / 傳真 (852) 2335 1380 |
網址 | http://www.cwbgolf.org/ |
球會類型 | 私人球會,部份時間開放其他打球者使用。 |
球場數目 | 一個18洞另有一個9洞(全三桿洞)。 |
標準桿數/最長距離 | 70 / 6,115碼 |
場地設計師 | T. Sawai & A. Furukawa (redesigned by Thomson & Perret) |
夜燈 | 冇 |
場內交通 | 電動球車 |
收費 (港幣) | 球僮費: 冇球僮服務 球車(兩人用): 已包括在果嶺費 儲物柜: 免費 |
交通 | 中環 – 球會: 約40分車程 |
球會雖然有番咁上下歷史,但設施都唔錯至於球會景色就我唔講你地都可能知 — 就係居高臨下咁睇哂整個西貢嘅無敵靚海景。球會亦在06年間將會所翻新比之前大左亦靚左,另外由Thomson & Perret將所有球道修改過。
印象中原先的球道較狹窄但修改後部份球道比之前寬闊左,特別係之前的14號(現成為3號洞)signature hole較有氣勢及壓迫感,但改完之後可能因為角度及距離唔同左反而好似冇之前咁正….
雖然個場的藍tee並不太長6,200碼左右,但因為只係得Par 70(6個par 3,8個par 4,4個par 5),整體上難度都算高,因為部份球道比較狹窄同打波準確度要求高,新手係呢到打波就記住帶定足夠的波。
Very intimidating opening hole and an usual one: it’s a par-three. Although it plays slightly downhill, it’s usually into the breeze which means that you’ll need to hit a very long club. Trees right, huge bunker left, elevated green………..par is a truly wonderful score.
開波第一洞係比較少見的par 3,落少斜但果嶺升起左面有沙池…右面有樹,打par都幾難得。
Great par-five this. The fairway bunkers are definitely in play so aim well left. The second shot is blind but with the ocean (red stakes) on the right side it pays dividends to keep left again. Green is well-bunkered. If you can keep it straight, the length of the hole means that you shouldn’t need much more than a short-iron or wedge for your third.
Jaw-droppingly spectacular hole. Since the renovation of the course, the tee on this par-four has been brought back over 40 yards and now the drive must be played away from the cliff rather than over it. It wasn’t very tough before, but now it’s an absolute brute. The fairway bunkers on the right can only be carried with an exceptional drive so the smart play is to stay left the whole way. The difficulty of this hole, like many at Clearwater Bay, really depends on the wind. Could be anything from a pitching wedge to a 3-iron for your second. Like the 14th at Kau Sai Chau North, this is as unforgettable hole. 超靚的一個球道,未改之前’較’易但現時長左40多碼再唔可以飛過前面的小谷 ,只可以靠左打。 如有大風的話就上天保佑你。
Tricky hole with great views of the surrounding mountains. This downhill green features a huge false-front so don’t be short; your ball will trickle a long way back. As you might have guessed, the par-threes at Clearwater Bay are tough!
較古惑的par 3, 落小斜,果嶺前有false green要小選桿確保可以上green, 短就會因為較斜滾出果嶺前面。
An uphill par-five which allows you to have a good crack with the driver. Fairway bunkers on the right shouldn’t be ignored, but the real difficulty is with the second and the approach to the elevated green so it’s important not to be short – if you do you’ll be faced with a blind chip.
上斜par 5,落點有沙池但因為球道幾寬闊可以用driver砌上去,但第二桿同上升起的果嶺時要小心同唔好太短。
Yet another really tough par-three. The green is really narrow and undulating, which makes chipping very tricky. A bogey here is certainly NOT a disgrace.又一個高難度par 3,上斜、右面上山及兩邊都有沙池,打bogey都唔錯。
A reprieve of sorts at this short par-four, but lose your concentration and you could face difficulty. Only really requires a mid or long iron – avoiding the lake – and a wedge into the green. Hit driver off this tee and you get an unexpecting result….
Swinging uphill dogleg-left par-four. Bunkers on the left are best avoided though and the green is probably the longest on the course. Depending on where the flag is, the second could be anything from a wedge to a 6-iron.
向左轉的上斜par 4,落點左面有沙池要小心,個green較長,要視乎棋桿位置,小心選擇球桿。
Water in front of the tee is not really in play so try and fire a good drive over the bunker, which will leave a short approach to the two-tiered green. It’s all about the tee-shot on this potential birdie hole.
Very long par-four that plays into the wind. Fortunately the fairway is wide so give it your Sunday best off the tee. Short of the green on the right are a series of humps that are not the place to be chipping from. (Believe me, I know). Longer hitters have a definite advantage here.
長par 4兼多數頂風,好在球道夠寬闊可以放手一博,果嶺附近有小山丘要小心。
Slighly downslope par 3 without 3 bunkers around the green.
落小斜par 3, 果嶺兩旁有三個沙池等住你。
Long par-four with water short and left of the green. Unless you get a good one away off the tee, the sensible play is to keep short and right with the approach. The green is generally flat so a good chip and putt should ensure a par.
長par 4, 第二桿落斜,果嶺較平坦及左面有水。
A good long drive is required from an elevated tee on this par-four to give you a good view of the green seemingly miles away in the distance. The narrow putting surface is really well-protected with huge bunkers, which makes a run-up shot all the more difficult. Unquestionably one of the toughest holes on the course.
開波落小斜,要全飛過前面的山谷,第二桿上小斜,果嶺勁多沙池,呢個洞 係較難的一個。
Multi-tiered green on this slighly downhill & short par-three. A lot of trouble on the right so the middle of the green is never a bad result.
落小斜短par 3,但果嶺分幾層,green的左右亦有危險。
Sharply doglegging par-five. The drive had better be accurate or else you’ll be re-loading. Actually, playing a 3-wood or hybrid from the tee is worth serious consideration because it really is very narrow. The hole opens up after the drive and the green is one of the largest on the course. Like a few holes out here, your final score is really dependent on your drive.
大dogleg right,開波落點收窄左…要選擇此適球桿發球,落點靚可以博2 on或再chip上green.
Par 3. It pays to be long; the bunker short of the putting surface is not the best place to salvage par.
Quirky par-four that doglegs to the right. Need to fly the fairway cross-bunker in order to have good view of the elevated green. Trouble right and left so giving it a bash with your driver might not be the best of options. Greenside bunkers are quite deep.
一個右轉上山的par 4,開波的一桿的準確及距離至為重要,果嶺旁的沙池亦幾難攪。
The wow-factor at Clearwater Bay is restored with this swinging par-five. From a hugely elevated teeing position, you can either take on the carry over jungle, which will leave a mid-iron approach, or you can stay right (and safety) and plod your way to the green from there. From the blue tee to the bunker in the middle of the shot is around 260 yards making it possible to take it on if the wind is at your back. We believe the great Seve Ballesteros had a bit of a nightmare at this hole the last time he visited. Not surprisingly, we did too!
一個靚洞,開波唔建議太博(因為見好多球手出事入山谷…包括007同箸名球手Seve Ballesteros !) ,最好向右打,lay up同用短桿上。
個場的設計同保養都覺得幾好,至於景色同環境就冇得頂,同滘西洲一樣咁靚 (可能清水灣仲靚D,因為佢有多D樹同球會建立在山頂,可以居高臨下欣賞到差不多整個西貢區),球場設計亦相當精彩,高手會打得較過引,新手就因為部份球道要carry可能較吃力。
整體上好滿意設計,球道保養、員工服務亦有上佳水準,唯一比較失落係球道唔多夠距離指示再加上冇球僮服務提供,令我打波時要估估下D距離,Eagle。 9/06