ENGLISH | 訂場熱線: 2137 2007 / 2137 2000 / 4007 007 148


  • Golf007評分

  • Rated 3.5 stars
  • Birdie
  • 0/5 (讀者平均評分)

  • Rated 0 stars
  • 0 未有讀者評論

  • 觀嶺國際鄉村俱樂部
  • 評論者:
  • 發佈日期:
  • 最後更新: 2015-12-27
  • 球會設施、服務
    Editor: 80%
  • 球場設計及趣味性
    Editor: 60%
  • 球道、果嶺保養
    Editor: 80%
  • 球僮服務及場地認識
    Editor: 60%
  • 球場綠化、觀景
    Editor: 60%




地址 四川成都市金堂縣觀嶺大道1188號
007訂場熱線 (852) 2187 3146 (辦公時間) 或 24小時網上訂場
球場數目 18洞
標準桿數/最長距離 前九3727,後九3,497,共7,224碼
場地設計師 JMP Design
場內交通 球車

記分卡 / 球場掠影(1, 2, 3, 4)





球會面積寬闊, 裝修都幾舒適,locker(1, 2)亦夠大同設施齊備,天氣好的時候可以坐出露台(1, 2, 3)嘆咖啡同欣賞下個球場景色。




球僮服務態度良好, D制服仲幾型仔,場地認識亦算唔錯。


個場位於一大片樹林的小山區,環境相當寧靜,由於球道沿山而建所以坡度起伏比較大兼勁多沙坑(資料顯示有成142個!) ,球道全部獨立所以在打球時只會間唔中見到其他球手,在設計上球道挑戰性偏高(即係狹窄),果嶺不大(即係細)加上波幅高低不平,即係話18洞冇邊幾個洞係易,而且藍tee有成6,635碼 …有D似食麻辣火鍋,對高手應該會好玩但對新手或冇距離的球手就會較難應付,不如乖乖地落白tee(6,059碼)會易攪好多, 打合自己的發球區 – 人都會醒D,白頭髮都少D!

在球道設計上,較特別的有#17號的三桿洞 同#18的五桿洞,兩個都有一定的難度及趣味性。


  • GrandHill-H1-1第一洞開波要過些小水及左面有小溪, 之後上小斜.
    The tee shot of the first hole needs to have a small carry over water, there is also a small creek on the left, the approach is slightly up the slope.
    GrandHill-H1-2 GrandHill-H1-3 GrandHill-H1-4

  • GrandHill-H2-1球道滿佈沙池, 開波要小心選桿,第二桿要上斜。
    Bunkers everywhere on this slightly uphill par 4, need to select the right club off the tee.
    GrandHill-H2-2 GrandHill-H2-3 GrandHill-H2-4

  • GrandHill-H3-1小小左狗腿, 開波落小斜之後要過水上果嶺.
    A gentle dogleg left playing gently down slope, the approach needs to carry the small creek.
    GrandHill-H3-2 GrandHill-H3-3

  • GrandHill-H4-1打藍tee要過水同上斜, 開波要準又要有距離.
    From the blue you will need to carry the water in front & have to be accurate to reach the up slope green
    GrandHill-H4-2 GrandHill-H4-3

  • GrandHill-H5-1長五桿洞仲要沿途上斜, 唔易打par.
    This is a long par 5 & going ypslope all the way, not easy to par this hole
    GrandHill-H5-2 GrandHill-H5-3 GrandHill-H5-4

  • GrandHill-H6-1開波大落山, 左狗腿, 重炮手小心打穿右面.
    A big down hill tee shot dogleg left, long hitter may overshoot the fairway on the right.
    GrandHill-H6-2 GrandHill-H6-3 GrandHill-H6-4

  • GrandHill-H7-1超長par 5, 開波落點上斜, 之後落斜.
    A fairly long par 5, the tee shot landing area is slightly upslope, the 2nd & approach is down slope.
    GrandHill-H7-2 GrandHill-H7-3 GrandHill-H7-4

  • GrandHill-H8-1中短距離三桿洞, 前面有深沙池, 開波寧長勿短.
    A medium/short par 3, there are deep bunkers in front, play a longer club will be safer..

  • GrandHill-H9-1一個相當靚仔但幾危險的上小斜四桿洞, 開波要準又要夠距離.
    A pretty but dangerous par 4, playing slightly upslope, need to have a good & accurate drive.
    GrandHill-H9-2 GrandHill-H9-3 GrandHill-H9-4

  • GrandHill-H10-1上小斜右狗腿, 開波要過水, 沿途右面及果嶺前亦有水.
    A dogleg right playing slightly up slope, fairway right & front of the green also have water.
    GrandHill-H10-2 GrandHill-H10-3 GrandHill-H10-4 GrandHill-H10-5

  • GrandHill-H11-1小上斜左狗腿.
    A dogleg left up slope par 4.
    GrandHill-H11-2 GrandHill-H11-3 GrandHill-H11-4

  • GrandHill-H12-1上小斜短四桿洞, 球道同果嶺附近都有勁多沙池.
    A gentle up slope short par 4 but fairways & green side are full of bunkers.
    GrandHill-H12-2 GrandHill-H12-3 GrandHill-H12-4

  • GrandHill-H13-1落小斜短五桿洞, 上果嶺要過水.
    A down slope par 5, the approach to the green need to carry a small creek..
    GrandHill-H13-2 GrandHill-H13-3 GrandHill-H13-4

  • GrandHill-H14-1開波要過前面的小溪.
    A bit of water in front, a nice carry is needed.

  • GrandHill-H15-1小左狗腿, 果嶺升起小小.
    A gentle dogleg left, the green is elevated.
    GrandHill-H15-2 GrandHill-H15-3 GrandHill-H15-4

  • GrandHill-H16-1落斜左狗腿, 果嶺升起.
    A dogleg left, the green is raised.
    GrandHill-H16-2 GrandHill-H16-3 GrandHill-H16-4

  • GrandHill-H17-1有D特式的三桿洞. 果嶺分幾個高低不同的部份.
    An interesting par 3, the green has different undulations.

  • GrandHill-H18-1超長五桿洞, 開波唔算難但第二桿lay up位置較狹窄, 果嶺亦多斜波.
    A very long par 5, the teeshot is fairly simple but the 2nd needs to be long & more importantly accurate to land  on the tight fairway, the green is not easy either with lots of curves.
    GrandHill-H18-2 GrandHill-H18-3 GrandHill-H18-4 GrandHill-H18-5


球場環境舒適清靜,會所設施同服務都可以,個場設計就中規中矩,有一定變化同趣味性,難度就高左些少,可以一試。Birdie。 5/2011

打球之餘出去行下在市中心入住酒店旁邊的步行街(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),感覺良好,經濟同氣氛都十分暢旺。


