ENGLISH | 訂場熱線: (852) 2137 2007 / 2137 2000 / (86) 755 83694007

Chiangmai Highlands Golf & Spa Resort

Chiangmai Highlands Golf & Spa Resort
  • Golf007評分

  • Rated 4.5 stars
  • Ace
  • 0/5 (讀者平均評分)

  • Rated 0 stars
  • 0 未有讀者評論

  • Chiangmai Highlands Golf & Spa Resort
  • 評論者:
  • 發佈日期:
  • 最後更新: 2015-12-24
  • 球會設施、服務
    Editor: 100%
  • 球場設計及趣味性
    Editor: 100%
  • 球道、果嶺保養
    Editor: 80%
  • 球僮服務及場地認識
    Editor: 60%
  • 球場綠化、觀景
    Editor: 100%




地址 167 Moo 2, Tambol On-nuar, King Amphur Mea-o Chiangmai.
007訂場熱線 (852) 2187 3146 (辦公時間) 或 24小時網上訂場
球場數目 18洞
標準桿數/最長距離 Scorecard
場地設計師 Mr. Lee Schmidt
場內交通 球車可上球道



清邁位於泰國北面,四周群山及森林區域,天氣都比其它泰國省份穩定同較清涼,就算在熱天打球時都幾舒適加上這裏的Spa有世界級水準, 所以一直都係高球發燒友的渡假聖地。可惜香港飛到清邁的直航班機時有時停,好在港龍在(11同12年都在暑假開番直航,所以立即行動去打番幾場波 : )

現時清邁除Highlands之外其它較出名的有, Royal ChiangmaiAlpine (之前叫Lamphun),Inthanon GolfSummit Green Valley,Gymkhana Club, Lanna Golf Club共7間球會。 鄰近的Lamphun區有Gassan Marina,Gassan Khuntan,Gassan Lake City,Mae Jo,Gold Canyon。 另外開2個多鐘車程仲有Chiang Rai的Santiburi Country Golf,Waterford Valley,Happy City共接近20間水準同價錢不一的球場可以選擇。

Chiangmai Highlands 球場與曼谷Muang Kaew Golf Club一脈相承,離市中心約30分車程,球場由Schmidt-Curley設計,Mr Lee Schmidt在Nicklaus Design工作多年,其風格都有大師級風範,球場設計豪邁沒有絲毫的過分造作。








球場藍Tee長6,621碼,而紅Tee 就5, 056碼,設計有大比賽場的氣勢,球道雖然算寬闊但球道有不少波幅令打球增出不少難道加上沙池又大又深,不易對付。




  • Highlands-H1-1第一洞係左狗腿,開波要左轉,果嶺升起小小。
    The first hole is a dog leg left with a slightly evaluated green..
    Highlands-H1-2 Highlands-H1-3 Highlands-H1-4

  • Highlands-H2-1第二洞藍tee開波要過水,果嶺左面出事,右面有沙池…唔易攪。
    The 2nd is a par 3, need to carry all the way from the blue tee, with water on the left and bunker on the right, not an easy hole.

  • Highlands-H3-1第三洞開波向左之後直打。
    The 3rd hole is turning to the left and straight forward after.
    Highlands-H3-2 Highlands-H3-3 Highlands-H3-4

  • Highlands-H4-1第四洞較短,左面全水,要靠右開波直打。
    The 4th has water on the left all the way, the tee shot has to lean to the right a bit for safety.
    Highlands-H4-2 Highlands-H4-3

  • Highlands-H5-1第五洞係難道排第一, 有幾難? 自己睇喇。
    The 5th is the hardest hole on the course, how hard is it? Take a look for yourself.
    Highlands-H5-2 Highlands-H5-3 Highlands-H5-4

  • Highlands-H6-1第六洞較短的par 5,難度排17。
    The 6th is a shorter par 5, index is 17.
    Highlands-H6-2 Highlands-H6-3 Highlands-H6-4

  • Highlands-H7-1第七洞係三桿洞果嶺升起同週邊由多個沙池保護住。
    This short par 3 has an elevated green guarded by numerous bunkers.

  • Highlands-H8-1第8洞係上斜小左狗腿,千期唔好入左面的沙池(漠)呀!
    The 8th is a upslope par 4, don’t get into the left bunkers (desert), you will be lost!
    Highlands-H8-2 Highlands-H8-3 Highlands-H8-4

  • Highlands-H9-1第9洞有小小上斜, 設計及環境都好靚。
    The 9th is a slightly uphill hole, well designed and very beautiful.
    Highlands-H9-2 Highlands-H9-3 Highlands-H9-4

  • Highlands-H10-1第10洞par 4開波落小斜。
    The 10th is a par 4, the teeshot is going s;ightly downslope.
    Highlands-H10-2 Highlands-H10-3 Highlands-H10-4

  • Highlands-H11-1第11洞雖然短但開波要準先可以安全上球道。
    The 11th is short but needs an accurate teeshot to land the tee ball safely on the fairway.
    Highlands-H11-2 Highlands-H11-3 Highlands-H11-4

  • Highlands-H12-1第12洞難度排第二,要全程上斜。
    This is the 2nd hardest hole going uphill all the way..
    Highlands-H12-2 Highlands-H12-3 Highlands-H12-4

  • Highlands-H13-1第13洞開波大落斜, 上果嶺要避開水同沙池。
    The 13th is a downhill hole, the approach needs to avoid water & bunker on the right.
    Highlands-H13-2 Highlands-H13-3 Highlands-H13-4

  • Highlands-H14-1第14洞三桿洞開波要打過水。
    The 14th is a par 3, tee ball needs to clear the water on the left & front.
    Highlands-H14-2 Highlands-H14-3

  • Highlands-H15-1第15洞par 5, 開波直打上斜,上果嶺就落番斜。
    The 15th is a par 5 going upslope but the approach is going downslope.
    Highlands-H15-2 Highlands-H15-3 Highlands-H15-4

  • Highlands-H16-1第16洞開波要直打同上小斜, 果嶺亦有大斜度.
    The 16th is a long par 4 going straight & upslope..
    Highlands-H16-2 Highlands-H16-3 Highlands-H16-4

  • Highlands-H17-1第17洞短三桿洞同落小斜, 係最易的一個洞。
    The 17th is a short par 3 going gently downslope, one of the easiest on the course..

  • Highlands-H18-1第18洞五桿, 大力士可以試兩桿上但要極小心處理, 我見唔少球友因開波好想博?上出事。
    The 18th requires care & patience, I have seen many ended up with big numbers because they had a good teeshot and wanted to reach in 2.
    Highlands-H18-2 Highlands-H18-3 Highlands-H18-4




