地址 | Dubai, UAE |
007訂場熱線 | (852) 2187 3146 (辦公時間) 或 24小時網上訂場 |
球場數目 | 18洞 |
標準桿數/最長距離 | 71 / 6,857 |
場地設計師 | Recently redesigned by European Golf Design in association with Thomas Bjorn |
場內交通 | 球車 |
呢個Dubai Creek係另一個市內球場,離市區及機場只需十多分鐘車程,在99同00年亦舉辦過兩Dubai Desert Classic…..所以同Emirates一樣屬於較’巴閉’的球場。
呢個場同Emirates及Arabian Ranches的主要分別係比較多D水障礙,設計比較屬於resort style的球場,打落亦冇乜在沙漠中打波的感覺,18個球洞每個設計都相當精彩,後九的#16,17及18更一氣呵成,連續三個球洞都黐住條河而建,打落相當緊張刺激,令我覺得呢處在咁多個場之中擁有最佳的finishing holes之其中一個場。
個場雖然藍tee只有6,857碼但因為只係par 71….都算幾長,加上連戰多場,體力不繼 ……決定轉戰只有6,333碼的白tee,打落亦舒服好多,球場難度亦大為降低。
The first hole is fairly long, requiring a short carry over water.
Short par-4 which places the premium on accuracy off the tee. Second must be played across water.
短par 4,冇乜陷阱,靠佢打好分。
Gotta be a birdie, right? Well, maybe not, but definitely a good chance.
Par 5,冇乜騎呢野,只係球道及果嶺有D沙池。
Straightaway par-5 with bunkers galore.
短par 3,果嶺前後都有沙池。
Short iron required on this par-3. Bunkers short and back.
Dogleg left,難度頗高,呢到個藍tee台在水上…幾特別。
A dogleg left. Pretty tough hole. The teebox here is quite interesting…it is on built on water.
長par 4, 要食得應先有機會打par.
A very long par-4 that arcs to the left. Need two fo your best to get on in two (at least we did).
中距離par 3, 左及前方都係水。
Potentially dangerous par-3 with a carry over water. Right is a bail-out option.
小右狗腿par 4。
A gentle dogleg to the right on this par-4. Nice hole.
一個幾有挑戰性的par 5, 開波要過水,右面亦有水一路到果嶺。
A challenging par-5 with water everywhere down the right and sand to the left. Par is a good score.
中距離par 4, 大部份沙池都在右面。
Avoid the sand on the right and there shouldn’t be too many problems here.
長par 4, 大部份沙池在球道右面。
Again, avoid the bunkers on the right and there shouldn’t be too much trouble. Length is a definite factor here.
一個較短的五桿洞,果嶺係island green。
Island green on this straightaway par-5.
Short par-3 with a semi-island green.
Par 4, 沙池多在球道右面。
Strong par-4 that arcs to the right. Bunker short of the green is trouble.
中距離par 3,果嶺前有大沙池。
A medium length par-3 with a hugh bunker in front. The creek is beyond so don’t take too much club!
一個短但又危險的par 4,左面全水加落點狹窄。
Deservedly famous hole with water all the way down the left. Worth a go with the driver? Up to you….we’re not taking the blame.
A beautiful par-4 and a strong finish. Water in play left and right. Arrow-straight drive followed by a mid-iron over water required here. Good luck.