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Posted In: Golf Forum

      • 參與者
        古加852 on #18135

        昨天在家中眼看Now 682 高球台 , 手就練推桿 發覺同 Paul Casey 和 Martin Kaymer 同一組的中國小子是誰 ? 當播完兩位名將打球後 , 電視台Controller通常都會把無機會的球手删去 , 但昨日竟然會播幾次”張新軍”打球的片段 又老鷹又小鳥真精彩, 連大會指定的Controller 都給面子証明”中國高球壇有新希望” 😆

      • 使用者
        borbor on #23602

        Zhang xin-jun?

        The guy played lights out in R3. Stumbled a bit on the front 9 in r4 but I don’t think you can ask for a better finish going 3 under in last 3 holes to claw it back

      • 使用者
        vincent on #23603





      • 使用者
        vincent on #23604

        我仲適應緊點用個新forum, 頭先未講完就send左出去 😕

        張新軍和梁文冲今年代表中國隊打 Omega 世界杯, 希望佢地擦出火花, 打得好成績 🙂

      • 使用者
        wot on #23605

        golf is still restricted to the relatively rich ppl/countries. talented youngster in developing countires have no choices but opt for less expensive sports… table tennis, badminton….i really cant see the westerners have any advantages over asians in golf and there ought to be more Chinese in the top 100.

      • 參與者
        sam on #23606

        Yeah, it seems China is having more & more new good golfers, the girls are not doing too bad either, Feng Shan Shan won earlier & just lost the playoff in Japan. Add Oil!

      • 使用者
        borbor on #23607

        @wot wrote:

        i really cant see the westerners have any advantages over asians in golf and there ought to be more Chinese in the top 100.

        The LPGA already proves this is the case.

        Give it a few years more, I have no doubt we’ll start seeing guys from Korea / China making their way inside the top 50 of the OWGR.

      • 參與者
        derbykoo on #23608

        Well done Zhang xin-jun 😉

      • 參與者
        古加852 on #23609

        真希望在 UBS Hk Open 見到他參與就好了… 😀

      • 使用者
        dtc on #23610

        With such a big population, there is no doubt that China can produce a top player, possibly a top 20 players in 5 to 7 years time, the problem is whether they can overcome the issue of supporting the sport or not, with their blessing (ie funding for coach, training, venues etc) sky is the limit. Sadly, at present, it seems they are anti golf than pro golf.

      • 使用者
        blee on #23611

        Feng Shan Shan is also doing well last week in Japan. Keep up!! Chinese players!!

      • 使用者
        tsui on #23612

        i have big question mark whether can have top notch golf players in china in near future.

        everyone come to china making common comments. you can find some very good courses in china, you can find have big investment here, however, you don’t see the same situation in china like some other golf developed countries.

        i am residing in china and play here everyweek, however, most of the guys i witness playing on courses are those oldies or middle age guys driving bmw, or mercedes. very seldome i see youngstars.

        the higher the golf population, the more the good players it will be, however, in china….

      • 參與者
        sam on #23613

        I agree with you, the new & talented players are not having an easy time with limited support, if any, from the government, the progress for golf development & produce world class player will be very very slow, having said that we still managed to produce decent good players like Cheng Lin Wai & Liang Wen Chun (sorry for bad spelling), may be we can come up with a great player or 2 with relatively more young players joining the game than these 2 guys era.

      • 使用者
        sandy mcdivot on #23614

        There are history and facts, Chinese [and I mean Chinese, not just asians in general] can and had done well in other sports, such as, volley ball, badminton, ping-pong, to name a few. I will be subjective and would not name one Chinese had been the best, at certain time. But competitive and had held their own facing other best from the World. Why can’t we do it in golf, men or women, or juniors and amateurs??? Forget about the excuses [and facts] that how our society structured, how the governing body not helping, etc, etc. “If there is a will, there is a way.” If a 1/4-chinese, Tiger Woods, can do it pretty well, why can’t a 100% Chinese?

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