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No more selling fake golf club

Posted In: Golf Forum

      • 參與者
        currypotter on #18268

        With the introduction of Registration system, only registered user can use the Buy and Sell section (and also the forum). Do you think it would have a great deterrent effect and avoid people selling fake items in the Buy and Sell section? :mrgreen:

      • 使用者
        17putts on #24022

        What Golf007 can do is to introduce a feedback page where the buyer can give positive feedback to the seller. It can only be a subsection under Buy and Sell and each seller create his/her feedback page.

      • 使用者
        dtc on #24023

        I think it will deter a few them but you will always find people willing to take the risk 👿 , at least, the admin can try to trace the record.

        In fact, I believe some people may not even know that their clubs are fake as they properly brought them from 2nd hand!

      • 參與者
        hkgolfer228 on #24024

        I hate fake! 👿 😈

      • 參與者
        sam on #24025

        I think the login system will help stopping people selling fake items, at least, we can warn others in the forum with suspicious clubs with low price. Mind you, have to be sure of that first.

      • 參與者
        mc73 on #24026

        @17putts wrote:

        What Golf007 can do is to introduce a feedback page where the buyer can give positive feedback to the seller. It can only be a subsection under Buy and Sell and each seller create his/her feedback page.

        Well, it is a great idea of adding a feedback / comment in each seller & buyer account. But 007 should request the register to provide contact nos for identification, otherwises a single person can create different accounts to fool other users. I hate faked items like many golfers, it needs very good knowledge & equipment to prove something is faked or not……so it is wise if we can stop faked club’s seller entering this forum.

      • 參與者
        cleveland madness on #24027

        I think the login system will help reduce the amount of intentional frauds but it’s still not the best way of stopping it.
        Once someone puts a bad feedback on a particular account, he/she can simple create a new one unless…..(read below)

        The best way is the ebay way. In addition to the basic user information including home address and social security number (unique ID), Ebay logs the ip address, mac address of your computer, email address, and information of your bank and credit card number that paypal is connected to. The theory behind their action is, most people would do this at work or home, thus ip address and mac address should be the same. Most people have only a few bank account / credit card to transfer the money to. So if fraudster transfers money to paypal account A with HSBC bank account A, all the REAL personal information is logged. Very unlikely, anyone can open another forum account using paypal account A to collect money. Of course golf007 is a golf forum unlike ebay or yahoo auction, this is just a though of the ideal world 😆

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