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Wanted: Driver, 3 wood, 5 wood and Putter

Posted In: Golf Buy & Sell

      • 使用者
        dwoo on #19867

        I am a new player and I have bought a set of irons. I want to buy the rest of the clubs. Anybody has a good wood set and putter for sale? Please leave me a PM.

      • 參與者
        dvdvlaw on #28702


      • 參與者
        bwu on #28701

        Wilson X31 driver, 3 & 5 wood & putter : All at HK$400
        TM R5 XL driver, japan version : HK$400
        Contact me at berwkl@hotmail.com if you interest the above items.

      • 使用者
        dwoo on #28700

        I have got the wood set and putter from a gentlement in this board. Thanks.

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