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clarence chan


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Posted In: clarence chan

      • 參與者
        clarence chan on #105875

        It was sold.

      • 參與者
        clarence chan on #96049

        Taylormade M4 driver 10.5 degree fixed with Tour AD IZ 4 R2 regular shaft which comes with head cover and wrench, it only costs $900. I bought it in Japan. If you are interested in buying it, please call me at 93294686

      • 參與者
        clarence chan on #81760

        XXIO brand new 7 wood fixed with Japan’s Tour AD regular shaft, it only costs $800 per shaft. If you are interested in buying it, please call me at 93294686 for details.

      • 參與者
        clarence chan on #64021

        Your phone did not work, please call me at 93294686

      • 參與者
        clarence chan on #24220

        What does Type T mean

      • 參與者
        clarence chan on #28189

        Hi did you sell this iron set or not,please email to me at clarence_chanhk@yahoo.com.hk

      • 參與者
        clarence chan on #25729

        Please email with photos at clarence_chanhk@yahoo.com.hk as I am interested in it. Thanks.

        Clarence Chan

      • 參與者
        clarence chan on #25416

        @Clarence Chan wrote:

        Cobra – Baffler Rail F, Fairway Wood 3, 5, 7 fixed with regular shaft, they have seldom been used on golf course. $1,000 for all of them. please call 93294686 Mr Chan

      • 參與者
        clarence chan on #25728

        Would you use my whatsapp 97050154 to send the photo to me as I am interested in buying it. Thanks.

      • 參與者
        clarence chan on #100955

        Would you whatsapp my phone no. 93294686 as I can senn some pictures of the honma thanks.

      • 參與者
        clarence chan on #65350

        Sorry, they have been sold but would you have an interest in Mzuno 47 wedge which is also a new one

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